The word Maintenance free fence sounds great in todays world because we are all so busy and looking for anything to save us time. Often time is more valuable than money and we all have better things to do then repairing, staining and maintaining our fences.
Fences are important to keep our kids safe, provide privacy, and security among other things. The only question is which fence should I choose?
Depending on each person a maintenance free fence may not be a good fit. Sometimes price is the decision maker and most of the time a maintenance free fence will cost more money. Also please keep in mind that with a maintenance free fence the industry is usually comparing to a wood fence, which means no staining, warping or cracking but you still may need to clean your maintenance free fence or dirt can settle causing some work needed to straighten post or adjust gates.
Picture of Aluminum Fence Installed in Nashville
Our First Maintenance Free Fence Is Aluminum.
Cons: Aluminum fence (in our area) does not provide privacy, can be bent and damaged by riding lawn mowers or something hitting the fence with force. Like other fences dirt can settle needing some work around post or gates and if your fence does get damaged the repair can be more expensive.
Pros: Aluminum fence will never rust or rot and in most cases carries a lifetime warranty on the finish. This fence is a great choice for that ornamental look, defining your boundaries, pets, children and pool safety.
PVC Fence Installed In Nashville TN
Our Second Maintenance Free Fence Is PVC Or Sometimes Referred To As Vinyl Fence.
Cons: This fence may require more cleaning, We have seen rocks thrown from a lawnmower causing a hole in these types of fences but keep in mind that something has to hit the fence very hard to cause a hole and usually is not a problem. Dirt can settle needing some work around post or gates and if your fence does get damaged the repair can be more expensive.
Pros: PVC Fence comes in different colors, is very versatile and can be used for that front yard white picket fence you have always wanted, or that back yard privacy fence. This fence also usually carries a lifetime warranty, will not rot, crack or twist.
The Aluminum and PVC fences are the most common and are considered to be maintenance free but we have a couple more fences that barley make the list, but they do not carry a lifetime warranty.
Our Third Fence Is Chain Link Fence.
6' Chain Link Fence In Nashville TN
Cons: Many people don't like the look of Chain link fences and they can often not be allowed by Homeowner Associations. These fences usually will not provide privacy for a residential property although with commercial fences privacy slats and wind screen can be added. This fence only carries a 15 year warranty and can eventually rust.
Pros: Chain link fence is one of the strongest fences available and have very little up keep. It will take may years to see any rust if at all (we have seen some brands of chain link rust faster than others). The are great for pets, children, play grounds and are often used at schools for safety and protection. These fences come in different colors and are often used on commercial properties.
Residential Steel Fence Installed Nashville TN
Our 4th Fence Is Steel Fence.
Cons: Steel fence is normally more expensive than aluminum, has a bracket system with bolts that can rust faster than the fence itself and only carries a 20 year warranty normally.
Pros: Steel fence is stronger than aluminum and will not get damaged as easily, is great for security, pets, children, marking the boundaries and can be welded easily. This fence is a great choice for residential or commercial properties.
Our 5th And Last Fence Is Composite Fence.
Composite Privacy Fence Installed Nashville TN
Cons: Composite is normally very expensive and cost more than any of the other fences above, and only carries a 10 - 25 year warranty on the different parts, can often be required to use along with wood (such as 4x4 post on the inside of composite post covers) with can cause some warping. We do recommend using a product that stands alone with out wood inside.
Pros: if installed properly a composite fence will not rot, fungal degradation or splintering. Does need very little cleaning and is great for a picket fence or privacy fence for your home or commercial business.
As you are doing research to decide which Maintenance free fence is right for you. We hope you will check out our Aluminum Fence Page, PVC Fence Page and Good questions to ask before hiring a fence contractor page.
The Fence Experts - K & C Fence Company - Nashville Fence Contractor.