When Is The Best Time To Build A Fence?

If you are asking when is the best time to build a fence? Here are some big reasons why the Wintertime could be the best and cheapest time to install a fence.

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 When people are normally thinking about a new fence for their Residential Home or Commercial Property is actually not the best time to get a fence installed.

 Now, we do need to mention this information can be based on location because the weather is a factor.

 We are a Fence Contractor located in the Nashville, TN area, but we would imagine that all or most other areas have some sort of up or down season for fence installation.

 With that being said, winter is the best time to build a fence for many reasons, including some you might not be aware of.

Some big reasons why the Wintertime is the Best Time to Build a Fence:

When is the best time to build a fence

1: Wood Fence Material performs better when the weather is cooler.

2: The overall fence install often cost less.

3: Skip the line, shorter wait time for fence installs.

4: Better, more responsive Customer Service.

5: Better for your property.

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1. Wood Fence Material performs better when the weather is cooler.

 This is mainly directed toward Pressure Treated Pine fences but can involve other types of fence material. Often when wood is installed it can be wet and will go thru a natural drying out process (this is why you wait to stain and or seal your fence).

 During this process there can be some movement in the wood material. If the wood is allowed to dry out slower than there tends to be less moving, warping and twisting than other times of the year.

 We experience more warping issues in the Hot Summer Months because the wood is zapped by the heat and dries out very quickly.

2. The overall fence install often cost less.

 During the winter months less, fences are being installed which causes a surplus and materials are most likely to drop in price during this time, not to mention coupons or specials that are often ran during the slower winter months.


3. Skip the line, shorter wait time for fence installs.

 In the Winter season less, fences are being installed. Therefore, you will always have a shorter wait time if you are installing in stock standard material.

 Special order material can take a long time to get, no matter what time of year it is.


4. Better, more responsive Customer Service.

Fence Companies are a seasonal business and always with seasonal businesses it is difficult to hire enough manpower for the busy seasons when a lot of the year they are slow.

In most cases a seasonal business will be over manned in the down seasons and understaffed in the busy season, which helps with a faster and responsive customer service experience.


5. Better for your property.

 When a fence is installed, there is a lot of walking back and forth, dirt is dug up and then spread out down the fence line or hauled away.

 Just like any kind of construction, fence installation causes some damage to the ground, and it can take time for the grass and ground to recuperate.

 If this is done in the winter, the grass is already dead, once the ground is settled and springtime arrives the grass will be able to take over in a better way, and will look much better for your next barbecue, especially if grass seed is sown.

There is not ever a wrong time to get a Fence Installed, but if you would like to take advantage of these benefits, consider making your next fence install purchase in the off season.

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