The Timetable
The truth is an exact timetable can't be given for when to stain a new wood fence. The answer to this question depends on the weather situation, but we know that the wood needs to be dry and in a state of being able to absorb the staining done to it.
Essentials of Wood Staining & Sealing
The wood stain outdoor process and the sealing of a wood fence work hand in hand together. While staining provides the wood's natural beauty and a layer of color, sealing is what adds as a protective barrier against the lock-in of moisture, UV rays, and other environmental factors.
Always Note that the importance of wood staining and sealing will help your wood fence for the years to come.
-Protection from any weather damage.
-Longer durability.
-Maintains a pleasing appearance.
The Misconceptions
It's so often we hear that question on when, and here is the answer we will provide. I've heard it's about 30 days, 3 months, and even a year for a customer to wait to stain their fence.
Still, unfortunately, you hear different answers to this question because people are just giving you an answer when they really don't know that there are many factors that determine the amount of time it takes a fresh wood fence to dry out.
Factors That Affect Drying Time
1. How much sun does the wood fence receive?
2. What is the weather like?
3. How much has it rained, and how shady or sunny is the property?
4. What time of year it is and so on.
Your wood fence knows how essential it is to prevent moisture damage to your fence, staining, or sealing. It is our goal to maintain a longer lifespan on the wood fences we have purchased and keep it looking good still even through the years.
You should follow a wood staining how-to-do-it-yourself or hire a professional fence company to do it for you; this will save you time and provide you with the best way to do it.
Wood Ready Testing
1. Pour some water.
2. Observe the wood’s reaction:
-If the water beads up, it is not ready yet
-if the wood absorbs the water, it is ready for staining.
If we were forced to give a timetable, we would recommend around 60 days.
So go ahead and check our wood stain color charts that are available for you to select the shade that you prefer and most likely a color that complements your home and your own personal style. We hope this helps as you work hard to preserve and maintain your wood fence.
Your Next Step
Call us or fill out our appointment form because we may need to come out and take a look at anything that could cause additional work that may be needed.
Let us preserve and maintain your wood fence!